Silicone Model Production
Thanks to the silicone model production, the silicone parts you need are produced quickly, without the need for molds, by saving cost and time with zero waste.
- Real silicone material used in traditional production methods
- Biocompatible
- Compliant with ISO DIN EN 10993-05 / 10993-10 Quality standards
- Shore values A15, A35, A50
- The highest accuracy is 0.1mm
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Flexible Parts
Audiology and Orthodontics
Medical Education Models
Audiology and Orthodontics
It offers fast solutions that make your life easier with personalized audiology products and orthodontic products.
Medical Education Models
You can produce medical products; surgical training, organ and tissue models
From Prototypes to End Use Parts
Introduction to Mass Production
Sealing Solutions
Consumer Goods
Introduction to Mass Production
You can produce end-use silicone products with high dimensional accuracy and surface quality. Products for aviation, automotive, decoration and many industries can be quickly produced from silicone without the need for molds.
Sealing Solutions
Silicone model production offers quick solutions to avoid sealing problems with high surface quality and high accuracy.
Consumer Goods
Optically transparent silicones allow the production of a variety of consumer products from home appliances to baby care products.
Flexible Robotic Product
With 3D silicon model production, flexible robotic products with complex geometry and repeatable dimensional accuracy can be produced.
Hobby Purpose
Thanks to the freedom of design provided by 3D printing technology, you can produce toys, masks and make entertainment more personal and accessible.
Special Medical Products
With biocompatible and quality certified silicone materials, you can produce dimensionally accurate, flexible and customized medical devices.