Composite Applications

Traditional manufacturing composite mold methods rely on long-term and costly processes that take weeks or even months. It is possible to shorten these processes with 3D printing technology. Solutions based on FDM technology are offered for the composite industry with both complex geometry mold production and the lossy core method.
Compared to traditional production methods, you can produce composite molds within only a few days with FDM technology.
Contact Us for Your Offer Requests and Questions!

Reduce Your Cost And Lead Time
With a cost savings of more than 90%, reduce your mold times produced with the traditional method to a few days.
Designs Specific To Production
You can adapt your mold designs according to the “one size fits all” approach.
Transition From Cad Environment To Direct Production On Demand
Ability to quickly produce your mold designs in the CAD environment on the same day as needed.